About Shelby.. the raddest Shelby ever!!!!!!!!
Hey, I'm Shelby! I go Rochester High School. I like music alot, like A.F.I, Blink 182, The Clash, Misfits, A Perfect
Circle, Aveenged Sevemnfold, Nirvana, and stuff like that. I used to skate but I don't as much anymore. Same with the guitar.
I like cereal alot. I also like taco's and fruit. I like to hang out and be crazy which is myself. I'm kind of shy but once
you get to know me I change alot and do wild stuff and I'm loud. I like concerts. They are so rad. Well yea anyways that enough.
Okay yea so that's me. I have alot more pictures, I'll put them on here later.
Favorite Stuff
All of my favorite's!!!!!!!
T.V. - Fuse
Closest friends - Stephanie, Justin, Brittany, and Landrey
Qoute's - That's rad. Oh Anyways. (lots more)
Coolest places to go - Concerts!!!!!!!!
Movie- The Notebook
Hottest people I don't know - Travis Barker, Davey Havok
Bands - A.F.I, Blink 182
color - purple
Blog of my thoughts!!!!!!!
Hey, what's up? Anyways I want to go to a party today but Ican't. Oh well at
leat I'm going to Amuse's concert and another one down in Kokomo. It's like in a kids basement. It sounds fun though. I met
them at the mall. I really don't want school to start. I very much don't want school to start. It stresses me out. Oh well
I guess. Anyways these guys at the mall were really hott. Idon't want to go alone though, but I will if nobody will go. Mike's
concert was rad last year so I they'll probably be fun this year. Well I'm going to listen to some music or do something
That is like so rad!!!!!!! - Shelby
StEpH-sHeLbY-n-SeAn'S SiTe, Copyright©, Shut-Up-N-DIE!, 2005